Sunday, March 18, 2018

10 Years! New Magazine!?

I have been a pattern designer and author for 10 years and have received a lot of help from you. I really appreciate all the support from everyone! In the future, I would like to give more information and hear more of your stories. I've been releasing the patterns one by one by PDF format at my website, which is fun, but I could not communicate with you – the sewers – well through this type of format.
I created a Pattern Booklet called “MOCOZI” to reach out better! The booklet consists of 3 to 4 patterns and less than 40 pages. It has been stylishly edited to match the modern sense with additional cost-effectiveness of the bundled patterns. The booklet will include a modern sewing design, instructions, patterns, tips and, interviews. MOCOZI is always open to you!
The first collection will come with a bag, metal clutch, and shoe pattern plus additional content! User your favorite e-book reader such as the iPad, Kindle, Phone, or other devices to read the book. The collection comes in PDF, epub, and mobie files.

Roll Top Backpack with A Shortened Process to Make the Bag!
The Roll Top Backpack is a simple project that ditches the complexity and time-consuming nature of backpack patterns! Mainly, the zipper panel has been forgone but the backstrap and pockets are still there to be a tiny hassle.

Roxanne Rolltop Backpack